
Your Roadmap To PR in Australia: Steps & Benefits

By omaisgmalik Jun 20 No Comments 4 Min Read

Australia’s allure is undeniable—beaches, bustling cities, and a laid-back lifestyle. If you’re dreaming of calling Australia home, obtaining Permanent Residency (PR) is your golden ticket. Here’s everything you need to know about PR in Australia, from pathways to benefits, and some tips sprinkled in.

What is Permanent Residency (PR)?

PR in Australia allows you to live, work, and study indefinitely. PR holders enjoy most benefits Australian citizens do, including healthcare access and social security. Plus, they can sponsor relatives and, after a few years, apply for citizenship.

Pathways to PR in Australia

1. Skilled Migration

Skilled Independent Visa (Subclass 189)

  • Who Can Apply? Skilled workers not sponsored by an employer or family.
  • Points-Based System: Points for age, education, work experience, and English proficiency.
  • Application Steps:
    • Submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) via SkillSelect.
    • Receive an invitation to apply.
    • Lodge your visa application with supporting documents.

2. Employer-Sponsored Migration

Employer Nomination Scheme (Subclass 186)

  • Who Can Apply? Skilled workers nominated by an employer.
  • Eligibility:
    • Relevant skills and qualifications.
    • Nomination by an approved employer.
  • Application Steps:
    • Employer submits nomination.
    • Employee applies for the visa post-nomination approval.

3. Family Migration

Partner Visa (Subclass 820 and 801)

  • Who Can Apply? Partners of Australian citizens, PR holders, or eligible New Zealand citizens.
  • Eligibility:
    • Genuine and ongoing relationship.
    • Evidence of the relationship.
  • Application Steps:
    • Apply for a temporary Partner Visa (Subclass 820).
    • After two years, apply for the permanent Partner Visa (Subclass 801).

4. Business and Investment Migration

Business Innovation and Investment (Subclass 188 and 888)

  • Who Can Apply? Investors and business owners.
  • Eligibility:
    • Meet financial and business criteria.
    • Nomination by a state or territory government.
  • Application Steps:
    • Apply for the provisional visa (Subclass 188).
    • After meeting the requirements, apply for the permanent visa (Subclass 888).

Benefits of PR in Australia

  1. Live and Work Indefinitely: Enjoy the freedom to live and work anywhere in Australia.
  2. Healthcare Access: PR holders are eligible for Medicare.
  3. Social Security Benefits: Access certain social security payments.
  4. Educational Opportunities: Access to student loans for higher education.
  5. Path to Citizenship: Apply for citizenship after fulfilling residency requirements.

Comparison Table: Key PR Pathways

Visa TypeEligibilityApplication Process
Skilled Independent (Subclass 189)Skilled workers, points-basedSubmit EOI, receive invitation, apply for visa
Employer Nomination (Subclass 186)Nominated by employerEmployer nominates, employee applies for visa
Partner Visa (Subclass 820/801)Partners of citizens/PR holdersApply for Subclass 820, then for Subclass 801
Business Innovation (Subclass 188/888)Business owners/investorsApply for Subclass 188, then for Subclass 888

Real-Life Success Story

Meet Raj from India. Raj, an IT professional, applied for the Skilled Independent Visa (Subclass 189). His robust educational background, work experience, and high IELTS scores earned him enough points for an invitation. Now, Raj and his family enjoy a fulfilling life in Melbourne.

Tips for a Successful PR Application

  1. Research Thoroughly: Know your visa options and requirements.
  2. Boost Your Points: Improve qualifications, gain work experience, and enhance English proficiency.
  3. Gather Documents: Collect necessary documents carefully.
  4. Consider Professional Help: Hire a migration agent for complex cases.
  5. Stay Updated: Immigration laws and policies can change—keep informed.

Real-Life Example

Sarah, a nurse from the UK, applied for the Employer Nomination Scheme (Subclass 186). She had a job offer from a Sydney hospital, which sponsored her application. Her visa was swiftly approved, and she now enjoys a stable career and vibrant life in Australia.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What are the benefits of obtaining PR in Australia?

PR holders can live, work, and study indefinitely, access healthcare and social security benefits, sponsor relatives, and apply for citizenship.

2. How long does it take to process a PR application?

Processing times vary depending on the visa type and individual circumstances. It can take several months to over a year.

3. Can I apply for PR if I am already in Australia?

Yes, many PR pathways allow onshore applications, meaning you can apply while in Australia on a different visa.

4. Do I need to take an English test for my PR application?

Yes, most PR visas require proof of English proficiency, typically through tests like IELTS or PTE.

5. Can I include my family in my PR application?

Yes, you can include eligible family members, such as your spouse and children, in your PR application.

6. What is the cost of applying for PR in Australia?

Costs vary by visa type. Generally, application fees range from AUD 4,045 to AUD 7,855.

7. Is there an age limit for applying for PR in Australia?

Most skilled migration visas have an age limit of 45 years. However, other visa types, such as family migration, may not have age restrictions.

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