
New Zealand Permanent Residency – Eligibility & Requirements

By omaisgmalik Jun 08 No Comments 6 Min Read

Your Guide to New Zealand Permanent Residency

Thinking about making New Zealand your forever home? Whether it’s the stunning landscapes, the friendly people, or the high quality of life, getting permanent residency (PR) in New Zealand is a dream for many. Here’s your ultimate guide to navigating the path to New Zealand PR, ensuring your journey is as smooth as the waters of Milford Sound.

What is New Zealand Permanent Residency?

New Zealand PR allows you to live, work, and study in New Zealand indefinitely. It provides most of the rights and privileges of a citizen, including access to healthcare and education, but without the ability to vote.

Why New Zealand?

  • Stunning Nature: From beaches to mountains, New Zealand has it all.
  • Quality of Life: Ranked high for its lifestyle and low crime rates.
  • Education: Excellent educational institutions.
  • Healthcare: Access to high-quality healthcare.

Pathways to Permanent Residency

There are several routes to obtain PR in New Zealand. Here are the most common ones:

Skilled Migrant CategoryFor individuals with skills in demand in New Zealand
Family CategoryFor partners, dependent children, or parents of New Zealand citizens or residents
Business and InvestmentFor investors and entrepreneurs who want to contribute to New Zealand’s economy
Residence from WorkFor those who have worked in New Zealand on a work visa for a specific period

Skilled Migrant Category

This is the most popular route for professionals with skills and qualifications that are in demand in New Zealand. The process involves a points-based system where you earn points for age, experience, employability, and qualifications.

FactorPoints Available
AgeUp to 30 points
Skilled EmploymentUp to 60 points
Work ExperienceUp to 50 points
QualificationsUp to 70 points
Bonus PointsAdditional points for specific factors (like job offers outside Auckland)

Family Category

If you have close family members who are New Zealand citizens or residents, they can sponsor you for PR. This includes partners, dependent children, and parents.

Business and Investment

This category is for individuals who wish to invest in or start a business in New Zealand. There are different investment thresholds and requirements depending on the type of visa.

Investment TypeRequirements
Investor 1 (Plus) VisaNZD $10 million over three years
Investor 2 VisaNZD $3 million over four years
Entrepreneur Work VisaPoints-based system focusing on business experience, investment capital, and business plan

Residence from Work

If you have been working in New Zealand for a specified period under a work visa, you can apply for PR under this category. It’s a pathway designed for those who have proven their ability to contribute to the New Zealand economy.

Application Process

Step 1: Check Eligibility

Before applying, ensure you meet the criteria for the chosen pathway. Use the points calculator for the Skilled Migrant Category or review specific requirements for other categories.

Step 2: Submit an Expression of Interest (EOI)

For the Skilled Migrant Category, submit an EOI online, detailing your skills, qualifications, and experience. EOIs with the highest points are selected to apply for residency.

Step 3: Receive an Invitation to Apply (ITA)

If your EOI is selected, you will receive an ITA. This means you can proceed with a formal application for residency.

Step 4: Submit Residency Application

Submit a detailed application with all required documents, such as police certificates, medical examinations, and proof of funds.

Step 5: Wait for Processing

The processing time can vary, so be patient. Regularly check your application status online.

Step 6: Receive Residency Decision

If approved, you will receive your residency visa. If not, you may have the option to appeal or address any issues raised.

Processing Time and Costs

Processing TimeTypically ranges from 6 months to a year
Application FeeVaries depending on the visa type; generally starts from NZD $2,700
Medical ExaminationsAdditional costs for required health checks
Police CertificatesAdditional costs for required background checks

Rights and Responsibilities of a Permanent Resident


  1. Live Indefinitely: Stay in New Zealand indefinitely.
  2. Work and Study: Work and study without restrictions.
  3. Healthcare and Education: Access to public healthcare and education systems.
  4. Travel: Travel to and from New Zealand without needing additional visas.


  1. Good Character: Maintain a clean criminal record.
  2. Residence Conditions: Some categories have conditions, like living in New Zealand for a certain period.
  3. Contribute to Society: Positively contribute to New Zealand’s community and economy.

Example: John’s Journey to New Zealand PR

John, a software engineer from India, decided to move to New Zealand for better career opportunities. He applied under the Skilled Migrant Category. John scored high on the points system due to his qualifications and job offer from a tech company in Auckland. After submitting his EOI, he received an ITA within a month. John meticulously gathered all necessary documents and submitted his residency application. Eight months later, John’s application was approved, and he moved to New Zealand with his family, enjoying the serene life and excellent work-life balance.

FAQs about New Zealand PR

Q1: Can I apply for citizenship after getting PR? Yes, after holding PR for at least five years, you can apply for New Zealand citizenship.

Q2: Can I include my family in my PR application? Yes, you can include your partner and dependent children in your application.

Q3: What if my PR application is declined? You can appeal the decision or reapply, addressing the reasons for the decline.

Q4: Do I need a job offer to apply for PR? For the Skilled Migrant Category, a job offer can significantly boost your points but is not mandatory.

Q5: How long do I need to live in New Zealand to maintain my PR? Certain residency conditions may apply, such as living in New Zealand for at least 184 days in each of the first two years.

Tips for a Successful PR Application

  1. Accurate Information: Provide truthful and complete information.
  2. Professional Advice: Consider consulting an immigration advisor.
  3. Timely Submission: Submit your application and documents promptly.
  4. Stay Updated: Regularly check immigration rules and updates.
  5. Prepare Finances: Ensure you have sufficient funds for application fees and settlement.

Key Points to Remember about New Zealand PR

EligibilityVaries by category; typically includes age, skills, work experience, and family ties
Application ProcessIncludes EOI submission, ITA receipt, residency application, and processing
BenefitsIndefinite stay, work and study rights, access to healthcare and education


Achieving New Zealand PR is a significant milestone that offers numerous benefits, from a high quality of life to excellent career opportunities. By following the steps outlined in this guide, preparing your application carefully, and understanding the eligibility criteria, you can increase your chances of success. New Zealand is not just a place to visit; it’s a place to call home.

Ready to make New Zealand your permanent home? The journey to PR may seem long, but with determination and the right preparation, you can make it happen. Good luck, and we hope to see you enjoying the beauty of New Zealand soon!

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