
Ireland Visitor Visa Guide: Requirements & Process

By omaisgmalik Jun 13 No Comments 5 Min Read

Your Ultimate Guide to the Ireland Visitor Visa

Planning to visit Ireland? Whether it’s the stunning cliffs of Moher, the vibrant streets of Dublin, or the charming villages that dot the countryside, Ireland has something for everyone. To enjoy all that Ireland has to offer, you’ll need an Ireland visitor visa. Let’s dive into the process and make it as straightforward and engaging as possible.

Types of Ireland Visitor Visas

1. Short Stay ‘C’ Visa

This visa is for those planning to stay in Ireland for up to 90 days. Perfect for tourists, short business trips, or visiting family and friends.

2. Long Stay ‘D’ Visa

For those needing to stay longer than 90 days. Typically used for study, work, or other extended purposes.

Steps to Apply for an Ireland Visitor Visa

Step 1: Determine Your Visa Type

Decide which visa type suits your travel plans – the Short Stay ‘C’ Visa is the most common for tourists.

Step 2: Gather Required Documents

Here’s your checklist:

  • Application Form: Completed and signed.
  • Passport: Valid for at least 6 months beyond your planned stay.
  • Passport Photos: Two recent passport-sized photos.
  • Travel Insurance: Coverage for the duration of your stay.
  • Proof of Financial Means: Bank statements showing sufficient funds.
  • Accommodation Details: Proof of where you will stay (hotel reservations, invitation letter from a host, etc.).
  • Travel Itinerary: Details of your travel plans within Ireland.
  • Visa Fee: Payment receipt.

Step 3: Complete the Online Application Form

Fill out the application form on the Irish Naturalisation and Immigration Service (INIS) website. Be meticulous to avoid any errors.

Step 4: Pay the Visa Fee

Visa fees are as follows:

  • Single-entry visa: €60
  • Multiple-entry visa: €100

Step 5: Submit Your Application

Submit your application, documents, and fee receipt to the nearest Irish consulate or visa application center.

Step 6: Wait for Processing

Visa processing times can vary, but it generally takes about 4-8 weeks for a decision.

Step 7: Collect Your Visa

Once approved, you’ll be notified to collect your visa. Double-check all details and start packing for your Irish adventure.

Real-Life Example: Tom’s Irish Holiday

Tom, a traveler from the US, planned a vacation to Ireland. Here’s how he did it:

  1. Determine Visa Type: Tom needed a Short Stay ‘C’ Visa for his two-week trip.
  2. Gather Documents: He collected his passport, photos, travel insurance, bank statements, hotel bookings, and travel itinerary.
  3. Complete Application Form: Tom filled out the form on the INIS website and paid the €60 fee.
  4. Submit Application: He submitted everything to the nearest Irish consulate.
  5. Wait for Processing: After 5 weeks, Tom received

his visa. 6. Collect Visa: He picked up his visa, double-checked all details, and packed his bags for Ireland.

Benefits of Visiting Ireland

1. Breathtaking Landscapes

Ireland is known for its stunning natural beauty, from the Cliffs of Moher to the serene lakes of Killarney.

2. Rich History and Culture

Explore ancient castles, historical sites, and vibrant cities full of culture and tradition.

3. Friendly People

The Irish are renowned for their hospitality and friendliness, making visitors feel right at home.

4. Festivals and Events

Ireland hosts numerous festivals throughout the year, such as St. Patrick’s Day, which are a joy to experience.

5. Delicious Cuisine

Enjoy traditional Irish dishes like stew, soda bread, and seafood, along with world-famous Irish whiskey and beer.

Common Questions About Ireland Visitor Visas

How Long Can I Stay with a Short Stay ‘C’ Visa?

You can stay for up to 90 days.

Can I Extend My Stay?

No, the Short Stay ‘C’ Visa cannot be extended. If you plan to stay longer, you must apply for a Long Stay ‘D’ Visa before traveling.

Do I Need Travel Insurance?

Yes, travel insurance is mandatory for the duration of your stay.

Can I Work While on a Visitor Visa?

No, visitor visas do not permit employment.

Is There a Visa Waiver for Certain Countries?

Yes, citizens of some countries do not require a visa to visit Ireland. Check the INIS website for the full list.

Comparison Table: Short Stay ‘C’ Visa vs. Long Stay ‘D’ Visa

FeatureShort Stay ‘C’ VisaLong Stay ‘D’ Visa
Duration of StayUp to 90 daysMore than 90 days
Work PermissionNoDepends on purpose (e.g., work, study)
Application Fee€60 (single entry)€60 (single entry)
Processing Time4-8 weeks4-8 weeks
Travel InsuranceRequiredRequired
Financial ProofRequiredRequired

Tips for a Smooth Application Process

1. Apply Early

Start your application process as soon as you plan your trip to avoid any last-minute stress.

2. Be Thorough

Ensure all your documents are complete and accurate to prevent delays.

3. Keep Copies

Make copies of all documents for your records and carry them with you when traveling.

4. Stay Updated

Regularly check the INIS website for any updates or changes in the visa process.

5. Seek Assistance

If you’re unsure about any part of the process, seek help from an immigration lawyer or a visa consultant.


Applying for an Ireland visitor visa can be straightforward if you follow the steps outlined in this guide. From the stunning landscapes to the rich cultural experiences, Ireland offers a plethora of adventures waiting to be explored. By gathering the necessary documents, completing the application process meticulously, and staying informed, you’ll be well-prepared for your Irish journey. So, pack your bags, prepare your itinerary, and get ready to create unforgettable memories in Ireland. Sláinte!


What is the visa fee for an Ireland visitor visa?

The visa fee is €60 for a single-entry visa and €100 for a multiple-entry visa.

How long does it take to process an Ireland visitor visa?

Visa processing typically takes 4-8 weeks.

Can I travel to Northern Ireland with an Ireland visitor visa?

No, an Ireland visitor visa only allows you to enter the Republic of Ireland. You will need a separate UK visa to visit Northern Ireland.

What if my visa application is rejected?

If your visa application is rejected, you can appeal the decision or reapply, addressing the reasons for the rejection.

Is there a minimum amount of funds required for the visa application?

While there is no fixed amount, you must show that you have sufficient funds to cover your stay in Ireland. Generally, this is demonstrated through bank statements.

Do I need a visa if I am transiting through Ireland?

If you are transiting through Ireland and not leaving the airport, you might not need a visa. However, this depends on your nationality and the length of the layover. Check the INIS website for detailed information.

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